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45 Results found

How do I get my money back from a missed check-in or check-out?

Visit or and select the costs you would like to be refunded. You find the reference number in your bank account overview, it starts with NLOV followed...

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How is it checked that I have checked in?

During an inspection, you hold the debit card or credit card against the checking device. The ticket inspector only sees whether you are checked in or out and sees recent check-ins or check-outs. They...

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What happens if I have adjusted my missed check-in or check-out?

After you successfully adjusted your check-in or check-out, you may receive a refund or you may still have to pay.

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Check-in and check-out

Checking in with public transport chip card is easy. At the start of your trip, hold the card against the card reader at a gate in a metro station, or hold it against the card reader on the bus or...

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My contactless debit or credit card is blocked from checking in and out due to insufficient balance. Can I transfer the outstanding amount?

At the moment you cannot transfer the outstanding amount directly. There are two options to help you: Option 1: depending on your bank, up to three more attempts will be made to debit the amount from...

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Is checking in and out with your contactless debit or credit card cheaper than buying a ticket from the bus driver?

Yes, checking in and out with your contactless debit or credit card is cheaper than buying a regular ticket from the bus driver. The price for your trip is the same as when you travel with your...

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